Monday, July 05, 2010



这就是根据体育记者John Carlin的纪实著作《Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game That Changed a Nation》改编的传记电影《Invictus》(译为:成事在人),所描述的真实历史背景和动人的故事。1995不是很久远,曼德拉更还在人世,这样的改编需要勇气,而这个勇字当头的导演就是令人尊敬的Clint Eastwood。不过,若没有Morgan Freeman的“曼德拉上身”,肯定拍不成!所以奥斯卡影帝提名就是最好的肯定。Matt Damon卸下特工装备,出演受曼德拉重托,带领球队夺冠,团结国人的队长François Pienaar,为电影锦上添花。

电影考功力的地方就是大家都知道结局,不会有什么悬念,那么一定要在情节过程添惊喜,凸显魅力,不然就会拍成淡如水。两尊奥斯卡最佳导演加持的Clint Eastwood正是个中高手,观众随着曼德拉的睿智游走,进入一代伟人能人所不能的“人间革命”。Matt Damon参观曼德拉的小牢房时,回想起他所赠予的诗歌,让他惊叹:“被人关在这样的小牢房30年,出狱后竟然还能够原谅迫害他的人!”。然后还精心安排高傲白人的橄榄球队员巡回乡间,教导黑人小孩们橄榄球技,让被优越感所蒙眼睛的青年们,见识到自己广阔的真实国家面貌,曼老的用心可说是良苦。


值5粒橄榄球 - 热情推荐!

1 comment:

taionn said...

Dear Kok Peng,

First of all, may I apologize for replying in English as I don't have the Chinese hand-writing software in my office's computer and I can only write Chinese in my computer at home (shy to admit for not being able to use pin-yin and etc., hehe).

I'm delighted to receive your very well-written comment on my blog (刘泰安时评录) and I would certainly like to post it into my blog for the reference of other readers.

I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for being so kind as to be my usher/guide during the said function on Dec 5, 2010 and your in-depth understanding of the Soka Gakkai movement has inspired me a lot.

I get to learn a little bit of your background from my son Wai Kit who happens to know you too. Do guide him along his way of involvement in the SGM Student Division activities if convenient.

Thank you very much.


Lau Tai Onn

P/s. I could't find your email address anywhere, so I am replying you through your blog. Sorry!